Hola from Spain!

It's been such a long time since I write on this blog.. precisely 3 years! I moved to Valencia (Spain) in September 2019 and I am still in love with the city. As anyone who knows me well would probably be shocked yet figured that I would really do something as crazy as this, yes I quit my job after over 4 years (un maldito trabajo que odiaba .. translate if you are desperate to know) and I came to Spain just to improve my Spanish. And of course, I would love to live in Spain. I haven't planned so much at the very beginning. I only planned to stay for 7 months. Yet once I landed on this paradise of mine, I really CAN NOT LEAVE. I know this is where I want to be, no matter what it takes. So here I am, for almost a year and I am still deeply in love with this place.

Anyway, from now on, I would like to share with you all on this blog what I love about Spain and clarify any misconceptions about Spain. I would also be sharing some of the things e that I have gone through in this "dream-chasing" journey. Do check it out and I hope you will find it entertaining XD.


Lots of love, 
Cherrie x 


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