New year, new home

Feliz Año! I hope you are all doing well and 2021 will be a better year for everyone.

From late December, I have 2 new flatmates - Adri and Ximo 💖

It is actually the first time for both of us to live in a couple but thankfully everything is going well so far haha! 

We spent Christmas together with Adri's parents and I tried the typical Puchero Valenciano which is a stew made with different type of meat, vegetables and chickpeas. We ate the soup with rice and pilotes which were gigantic pork meatballs with chicken liver. It is a typical Christmas dish here, which in fact is very similar to the Cocido Madrileño which is the stew people from Madrid make but without the meatballs (not cool). 

Christmas is like Chinese New Year for them here in Spain where they reunite with family members and eat all day. This Christmas was a bit different given the pandemic situation. We were not able to spend it with all his relatives like they usually do. But we had fun spending some quality time with his parents.

We also celebrated Ximo's 6th birthday! Although he acts more like a cat than a dog most of the time, Ximo is such a sweetheart. 💗 This is especially true when you have chicken for him. He will literally do whatever you want him to for that haha!

From Jan, I have also started a new project which is a new YouTube channel Tomate Cherrie featuring Spanish gastronomy. I have only published one video for now about Mercat Central (sneak peek below) but my idea is upload a video every now and then to share my passion about Spanish food. 

With the master, Spanish classes plus the part-time job that I am doing, I have to manage my time really well in order to be able to accomplish all my goals. However I also love the feeling of waking up every morning with a purpose. Adri is also doing the same with his master in video game design, Chinese classes and his full time job. The fact that we have very similar values and we are both trying our hardest to achieve what we want in life allows us to inspire one another. 💪

Speaking of that, this big boy has just started a new job and is really enjoying it. So proud of you! 💓

Let's hope that 2021 will treat us well. If you guys have anything in particular about Spanish gastronomy that you are interested about, please feel free to comment below. See you all next time!

Lots of love,
