Hola mayo!

Can't believe is May already, and that it has already been a year since we came out from lockdown! Vaccination in Spain is still utterly slow but hey here we are, sano y salvo (healthy and safe)! 

How's everyone doing? 

Me? I am doing great as always, overcoming challenges bit by bit but things seems to be a lot more stable than a year ago. 

I am still doing my distance part-time marketing master at Imperial, writing a few blogs and marketing articules for the business school. I have also started a new job recently!!

I am really glad to have this opportunity because it is related to media advertising which is very relevant to what I am studying in my master, but involves client-facing and some analysis. 

Here is my work desk. For the first week I had to rob Adri's work computer's screen but now I have my own one  😝

And the best thing is I am working from home (aka Spain) for this company based in London. So Adri and I work from home. Apart from being the best boyfriend, he is also my lunch mate / workmate / study group / language exchange buddy / flatmate etc etc ... 

Here they say abril, agua mil which is so true. It basically has been rainy every week for the whole April. Thankfully we could also manage to have some weekend escape to Adri's parents' beach apartment at Xeraco which is around 50 minutes drive from Valencia. 

Adri made Arroz al Horno which is absolutely one of my favourite Valencian dish which is rice with pork ribs, blood sausage, garlic and chickpeas baked in the oven. Our friends Dani and Doina also shared with us some lovely wine from Moldova 🍷

We have also had some new addition at home! We got a new sofa set and a barbecue for our terrace plus lots of food and charcoal stand by so we can make barbie when it stops raining 😅

Oh did I mention I passed C1 Spanish? 

This year I will probably try to focus on doing my job well and in my master studies.  I wish to learn some French this year and probably will take C2 Spanish next year. Let's see where life takes me next year!

And yes I am still doing my food vlogging on my channel. Lately I have been quite busy with work and study but I am going to be releasing new videos everyone and then. So stay tune on my instagram @tomatecherrie or my Facebook page 😙

So this is more or less my updates from Spain. 

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for reading and see you next time 🐶

Love from,


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